Qatar Visa Cancellation & Exit Permit Requirements in 2024

Foreign nationals who wish to depart Qatar legally need to cancel their Qatar visa and obtain an MOI exit permit. The sponsorship system in Qatar requires strict adherence to visa regulations, which makes visa cancellation procedures essential for hassle-free exits. The guide outlines the key steps and requirements involved, including how to verify Qatar visa status before initiating the Qatar Visa Cancellation process and how to cancel Qatar visa.

Resolving Outstanding Matters Before Leaving Qatar

It is imperative that foreign residents tie up any loose ends before initiating the Qatar visa cancellation process. The steps involved are:

  • Settling Financial Obligations: Resolving any outstanding debts, loans, utility bills, taxes, or fines in order to avoid legal troubles.
  • Terminating Employment Contracts: Resignation notices need to be provided to employers and any remaining contractual obligations must be fulfilled.
  • Closing Business Affairs: This includes closing business licenses, settling accounts, and dissolving operations properly.
  • Closing Bank Accounts: Bringing balances to zero and closing registered Qatari bank accounts.

In case you’re from Asian countries and want to proceed with the Qatar Visa you can do this by visiting Qatar Visa Center.

Things to do before proceeding with Qatar Visa Cancellation

Obtaining Sponsor Consent for Exit Permit

According to Qatar’s exit permit law (Article 7, Law No.21/2015), expats must obtain written consent from their sponsors before departing. A sponsor approval must be obtained at least three days before departure. It applies to:

  • Sponsored employees of companies or governments
  • Spouses, children, and domestic workers under personal sponsorship

To ensure there are no unresolved duties, violations, or pending legal matters, sponsors evaluate the applicant’s standing. It increases the chances of obtaining sponsor approval for the exit permit if you maintain a clean record and fulfill all of your obligations.

Have a look at Qatar Visa on Arrival and verify whether you’re eligible for visa on arrival or not.

Applying for Qatar Visa Cancellation

In order to cancel a Qatar visa, foreign nationals must secure sponsor approval first. The process will be able to be completed either online or in person starting in 2024:

Online Application

  • On the website of the Ministry of Interior (MOI)
  • Through self-service Kiosks visa machines at MOI service centers

In-Person Application

  • At the General Directorate for Borders, Passports, and Expat Affairs
  • At local immigration service offices across Qatar

A completed application form must be submitted along with supporting documents, such as passport copies, ID cards, and sponsorship approval letters. The type of sponsorship may determine the specific document requirements for Qatar Visa Cancellation.

If you want to study in Qatar, you can apply for a Qatar Student Visa.

Company and Government Sponsored Visa Cancellation

Organizational sponsors (companies or government entities) handle visa cancellations for their employees:

  • In order to cancel the visa and apply for an exit permit, the sponsor must fill out the application form.
  • An official ID from the establishment is stamped and signed on the form.
  • Employers’ passports and establishment IDs are submitted to the relevant authorities with the sponsorship application.

If you’re from UAE, you can apply for the Qatar visa at Qatar Visa for UAE Residents.

Personally Sponsored Visa Cancellation

Visa cancellation procedures for dependents under personal sponsorship (spouses, children, domestic workers) are managed directly by the sponsor:

  • Sponsors complete the application form and sign it, matching their official ID signature.
  • A completed application form, a passport, and the original ID card of the sponsor are submitted to the designated authorities.

A visa cancellation application can be expedited if all required documents are in order before submission.

Qatar Exit Permit Fees and Payment

Exit permit fees of 10 Qatari Riyals will be applied to all applicants seeking to cancel their Qatar visas starting in 2024. A fee will be charged upon approval of the application, at which point the exit permit will be issued.

Verifying Qatar Visa Cancellation Status

The issuing authority typically notifies applicants of successful visa cancellation, but it is recommended that the applicant confirm the status directly with them. Contact the respective Qatari embassy or consulate for more information.

If you are working within a tight departure timeline, it is vital to confirm that the visa cancellation process has been completed. Additionally, it provides official documentation required for travel outside of Qatar.

Qatar Exit Permit Validity Period

It is important to remember that Qatar exit permits are only valid for 72 hours after they are issued. Foreign nationals are required to depart within three days of obtaining an exit permit.

If you overstay your exit permit validity period, you may face fines, violations, and blacklisting from reentering Qatar. Avoiding legal repercussions requires timely departure within the allotted timeframe.

Smooth Visa Cancellation with Early Preparation

To summarize, canceling your Qatar visa and obtaining an exit permit in 2024 requires careful planning and following established procedures. It is important that foreign nationals resolve outstanding matters early, secure sponsor approval, gather the necessary documents, and submit their applications through the proper channels to ensure a smooth process.

Exit permit fees, validity periods, and visa cancellation status verification should be closely monitored to ensure a hassle-free departure from Qatar. A proper preparation and compliance with the law can assist migrants in concluding their affairs in the country and making a legal exit without any difficulties.


To do this, contact the Qatari embassy or consulate of your country. As a result of tight departure timelines, confirming the cancellation of visas is crucial. Additionally, it provides official documentation required for travel outside Qatar.

Visit the official website of the Ministry of Interior of Qatar to check the status of your Qatar work visa. You will need to enter your passport number, your visa application number, and your date of birth in the visa services section. You can check your visa status by clicking “Check Status.”

A 30-day grace period is provided by the Ministry of Interior (MOI) after a residence permit is revoked. A fine of QR 200 per day is imposed if they overstay this period.

Wrapping Up

Nothing else needs to be done. This step-by-step guide to Qatar Visa Cancellation gives you all the information you need to successfully cancel your Qatar visa. Following the preparation of your documents, submission of your application, and payment of your fees, approval of your exit permit Qatar is just a matter of waiting.

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